Train Design Using iPad to design a railway track for model railway

TrainDesign is an app to create track layout for rail model trains. In a few minutes you can easily create, lines and paths of any kind. Using a set of tracks you can choose the type of binary -to-use, orient, stretch or shrink it. The curves can be modified to width angle and radius of curvature.

With TrainDesign you will learn that it is very easy to edit a path, determine the altitude change every single piece in an intuitive and simple way. With only the use of your fingers , you can create small or large tracks, focus on building a single part using the touch to zoom, or see the route as a whole.

TrainDesign not want to be a complicated software, but become an easy and fun to use, affordable for everyone. A series of videos showing how to use it and to perceive its potentialities. TrainDesign works with the iPad since the release of ios 5.0, it works so well on the first version of the iPad, including the iPad mini.

The app includes a number of tracks already created and some sets of tracks ready to be used. In the future, additional sets will be released for download directly from the app. A set of tracks can be created or modified in inventing or perfecting new pieces of track pieces already present.

The current track set

  • Arnold N
  • Atlas H0 Snap Track 100
  • Atlas H0 Snap Track 83
  • Atlas N Code 55
  • Atlas N Code 80
  • Atlas O
  • Bachmann EZ H0
  • Bachmann EZ N
  • Bemo H0m
  • Bemo H0m code 70
  • Fleischmann H0 6000
  • Fleischmann H0 6100
  • Fleischmann N Piccolo
  • Hornby OO
  • Kato H0 Unitrack
  • Kato N Unitrack
  • LGB G
  • Lego Trains
  • Lenz O
  • Lionel FastTrack
  • Lionel O-27
  • Lionel O
  • Lionel S
  • Märklin HO C
  • Märklin HO K
  • Märklin HO M
  • Märklin Z
  • Minitrix n
  • Mth Scale Trax
  • Peco H0 SetTrack 100
  • Peco N Code 80
  • Peco H0 100
  • Piko G
  • Piko H0
  • Rivarossi H0
  • Roco H0 line
  • Roco H0 Geoline
  • Roco H0e
  • Rokuhan Z
  • Tillig H0 Model Gleiss System
  • Tillig TT Bettungs Gleiss System
  • Tillig TT Model Gleis System
  • Trix H0
  • Zeuke TT

To download the set of tracks, from initial view go to track list rail and select the download icon download.

For any suggestion, question or info, send an email to trainDesign